The HTV will approach the ISS from the nadir side of the ISS (from the
direction of Earth). The HTV will then be grappled by the station’s robotic
arm (SSRMS) and berthed to the ISS. This operation phase is called “PROX
HTV’s approach sequence during PROX Operations is as follows:
1 The HTV will move from the AI point to a point 500 m below the ISS
guided by GPS (RGPS Navigation).
2 Using a laser sensor called Rendezvous Sensor (RVS), the HTV will
approach the ISS, beaming the laser to the reflector located on the
nadir side (facing Earth) of Kibo (RVS Navigation).
3 The HTV will hold its approach twice: when reaching 300 m below
the ISS (hold point) and 30 m below the ISS (parking point). At the
hold point, the HTV will perform 180° yaw-around to prepare for a
contingency maneuver in case of emergency.
4 Finally, the HTV will reach 10 m below the ISS, a grappling position
called the “Berthing Point”. At the Berthing Point, the HTV will
maintain this distance from the ISS.
communications system that enables direct communications between the
HTV and ISS when the HTV is in the proximity communications range. The
PROX is installed on board the Japanese Experiment Module, Kibo.
The PROX consists of PROX antennas, PROX-GPS antennas, PROX
communication equipment, PROX GPS equipment, data handling equipment,
and a Hardware Command Panel (HCP).
The PROX equipment, such as transmitters, receivers, data handling
processors, and GPS receivers are installed in the Inter-orbit
Communication System (ICS) rack onboard Kibo’s Pressurized Module (PM).
The HCP will be deployed on the station’s robotic arm workstation in the
Destiny laboratory module. The ISS crew can control the HTV during HTV’s
final approach to and departure from the ISS using the HCP for immediate
critical operations in addition to using their command/monitor laptops
The PROX antennas are located on the side of the PM outer wall. The
PROX-GPS antennas are located on the top of Kibo’s Experiment Logistics
Module-Pressurized Section (ELM-PS).
The PROX antennas are used for HTV’s
direct wireless communications with the
ISS during Proximity Operations. It
receives telemetry data from the HTV. It is
also used to relay the commands sent from
the ground or ISS to the HTV.
GPS antennas are used to provide
information on orbital location and range
rate of the ISS to the HTV.
PROX communication systems are
installed on the right side of the ICS/PROX
rack in Kibo’s PM.
HTV’s approach speed during the RVS Navigation phase is 1 to 10 meters
per minute. During this phase, the ISS crew can control the HTV by sending
commands such as “HOLD”, “RETREAT”, “ABORT”, or “FREE DRIFT” using
the Hardware Command Panel (HCP) deployed on the robotics workstation
onboard the Destiny module. If an emergency occurs and HTV’s further
approach can not be permitted, the ISS crew will command the HTV to
depart in the forward direction of the ISS.
Hardware Command Panel (HCP)
Hold the approach
Retreat to 30 m or 100 m below the ISS
HTV departs from ISS
Disable the HTV thrusters for the SSRMS to grapple the HTV