Launched in 2008, MDA's Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM), also known as Dextre, became the world's first on-orbit servicing robot. Under contract to the Canadian Space Agency, the company was the prime contractor for the development of Dextre as part of the Mobile Servicing System, Canada's contribution to the International Space Station. The Mobile Servicing System comprises Canadarm2, the Mobile Base System, and Dextre.
This extremely advanced, highly dexterous dual-armed robot carries out delicate maintenance and servicing tasks on the International Space Station. Tasks include installing and removing small payloads such as batteries, power supplies and computers, operating robotic tools such as specialized wrenches and socket extensions for delicate maintenance and servicing tasks, providing power and data connectivity to payloads, and manipulating, installing, removing, and inspecting scientific payloads.
This extremely advanced, highly dexterous dual-armed robot carries out delicate maintenance and servicing tasks on the International Space Station. Tasks include installing and removing small payloads such as batteries, power supplies and computers, operating robotic tools such as specialized wrenches and socket extensions for delicate maintenance and servicing tasks, providing power and data connectivity to payloads, and manipulating, installing, removing, and inspecting scientific payloads.